NextGrid & NextDBGrid
- Html Column Tutorial
- Upgrade existing projects for loading changes
- Edit events in NextGrid
- NextGrid Vista Style
- NextGrid How To
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- FieldChooser Tutorial
- Using Editors in runtime
- Grid Report Tutorial
- TreeColumn Tutorial
- NextGrid Quick Start
- Custom Draw in NextGrid
- Export to XML from NextGrid
- Optimize NextGrid
- NextGrid Custom Sorting
- VirtualColumn Tutorial
- Graphic Column Tutorial
- NextDBGrid Quick Start
- NextDBGrid Events
- NextDBGrid How To
- Sorting records in NextDBGrid
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NextGrid .NET
Sorting records in NextDBGrid
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- Skill:
- Version: 1.0.0
- Author: Bojan Nikolic
- Created: 2009-02-26
- Updated: 2009-02-26
NextDBGrid does't have integrated sorting routine like NextGrid. To sort data, NextDBGrid get help from DataSet. Adding sorting capabilities to DBGrid is very easy, but may be different for some protocols when working with Tables (not Queries).
Implementing Sorting Routine
For adding sort capability to NextDBGrid, following code need to be added to OnSortColumn event:
Sorting Query
procedure TForm1.NextDBGrid1SortColumn(Sender: TObject; ACol: Integer; Ascending: Boolean); var DirectionStr: string; QueryString: string; begin QueryString := 'SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE'; // Query statement if NextDBGrid1.Columns[ACol].FieldName = '' then Exit; if Ascending then DirectionStr := 'ASC' else DirectionStr := 'DESC'; Query1.SQL.Text := QueryString ' ORDER BY ' NextDBGrid1.Columns[ACol].FieldName ' ' DirectionStr; Query1.Open; end;
Sorting ADO Table
procedure TForm1.NextDBGrid1SortColumn(Sender: TObject; ACol: Integer; Ascending: Boolean); var DirectionStr: string; begin if NextDBGrid1.Columns[ACol].FieldName = '' then Exit; if Ascending then DirectionStr := 'ASC' else DirectionStr := 'DESC'; ADOTable1.Sort := NextDBGrid1.Columns[ACol].FieldName ' ' DirectionStr; ADOTable1.Active := True; end;
2010-09-15 07:11:37
can i sort by two columns same time?
for example, 3 columns date,item name, value1,valuen....
sorting every column after date, it sorts first by selected column and then same time by date descending?
for example, 3 columns date,item name, value1,valuen....
sorting every column after date, it sorts first by selected column and then same time by date descending?
2010-09-15 12:10:20
Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment.
Best regards
Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment.
Best regards