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NextGrid .NET

NxButton Tutorial

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  • Skill:
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Author: Gordana Milinkovic
  • Created: 2008-05-11
  • Updated: 2008-06-02
NxButton is small component suitable for any kind of applications with support for images.

Click on Next Collection Tab/Category and chose icon . Click on Form and component will be placed.

Common properties

Align - Determines how the button aligns within its container (parent control).

When Align is set to alBottom, alLeft, alRight or alTop, the button is align to the bottom, left, right or top of a form or panel and have it remain there even if the size of the form, panel or component that contains the button changes. When the parent is resized, an aligned button also resizes so that it continues to span the top, bottom, left, or right edge of the parent.

When Align is set to alNone, the button remains where it is positioned on a form or panel. Actually, alNone is the default value of Align.

When Align is set to alClient, the button fills the entire client area.

Note: Any number of buttons within a single parent can have the same Align value, in which case they stack up along the edge of the parent. The buttons stack up in z-order. To adjust the order in which the buttons stack up, drag the buttons into their desired positions.

Caption - Specifies the caption that appears on the button.

Glyph – Specifies the glyph that appears on the button.

Layout - Determines where the glyph appears on the button by comparison with the caption. The possible values are:

Value Meaning Screenshot
blGlyphBottom The glyph appears near the bottom of the button, under the caption.
blGlyphLeft The glyph appears near the left side of the button, before the caption.
blGlyphRight The glyph appears near the right side of the button, after the caption.
blGlyphTop The glyph appears near the top of the button, above the caption.

Down - Specifies whether the button is selected (down) or unselected (up).

When Down is set to True, the button is selected (down).

When Down is set to False, the button is unselected (up).

Enabled - Controls whether the button responds to mouse and keyboard. Therefore, using Enabled you can change the availability of the button to the user.

When Enabled is set to False, the button is disabled. It appears dimmed and ignores mouse and keyboard.

When Enabled is set to True, the button is enabled. It is no longer dimmed and responds to mouse and keyboard.

Transparent - Specifies whether the background of the glyph is transparent.

When Transparent is set to True, the background of the glyph is transparent.

When Transparent is set to False, the background of the glyph is not transparent.

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