NextGrid & NextDBGrid
- Html Column Tutorial
- Upgrade existing projects for loading changes
- Edit events in NextGrid
- NextGrid Vista Style
- NextGrid How To
- Integrating Inplace Editors
- NextGrid Slide Style Tutorial
- InputLine Tutorial
- FieldChooser Tutorial
- Using Editors in runtime
- Grid Report Tutorial
- TreeColumn Tutorial
- NextGrid Quick Start
- Custom Draw in NextGrid
- Export to XML from NextGrid
- Optimize NextGrid
- NextGrid Custom Sorting
- VirtualColumn Tutorial
- Graphic Column Tutorial
- NextDBGrid Quick Start
- NextDBGrid Events
- NextDBGrid How To
- Sorting records in NextDBGrid
- LookupColumn Tutorial
- NextInspector Advanced tutorial
- ToolbarItem tutorial
- NextDBInspector Tutorial
- NextInspector Item Types
- Map VCL property to item
- NextInspector Quick Start
- NxAlertWindow Tutorial
- NxInfoPanel Tutorial
- Vista Styled Panels
- NxPathControl and NxNotebook tutorial
- NxPathControl Quick Start
- NxFlipPanel and NxHeaderPanel Quick Start
- NxOutlookBar Tutorial
- NxPageControl and NxNotebook Quick Start
- NxButton Tutorial
- Component Names Change
- NxComboBox styles
- Numeric FormatMask
- NxVirtualDataSet tutorial
- DateTime FormatMask
- NxPreview Quick Start
- 32bit Bitmaps Tutorial
- Quick update
- Enable typing unicode characters in InplaceEditors
- Using NxColorScheme
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NextGrid .NET
Optimize NextGrid
Related Articles:
- Skill:
- Version: 1.0.0
- Author: Bojan Nikolic
- Created:
- Updated: 2008-04-22
NextGrid is very fast component. Adding rows, updating data, sorting columns, drawing cells... is very fast already, but with small tweaks you can speed up component even more.
1. Speed Up Adding Rows
As you know, to add single row in NextGrid, you can use NextGrid.AddRow() method. If you like to add multiple rows at time, you can use: NextGrid.AddRow(RowCount):
NextGrid.AddRow(10); NextGrid.AddRow(100000);
NextGrid->AddRow(10); NextGrid->AddRow(100000);
So, you don't need to create for loop and to call AddRow in each pass. NextGrid will do this for you and skip calling some methods every time which may speed up a lot so adding rows will be much faster after calling AddRow(100000) once, instead of calling AddRow method 100,000 times inside loop!
2. How to speed-up adding/changing many cells?
Before you start with adding or changing values of huge amount of cells (typically inside some for, while, repeat...until loop), call next method:
now add, change, move or delete cells.
after you finish, call next method:
What BeginUpdate do?
This call prevent NextGrid from drawing EACH new or changed Cell until operation is finished. Also all complicated calculations needed for drawing Cell is skiped too. This can speed up your code a lot!
We will draw this rows ONLY after we finish with operation, and ONLY we will draw visible Cells on screen. After you finish with adding rows, ALLWAYS call EndUpdate.
Here you can see example how to add 100000 rows and to place Value in each Cell:
NextGrid.BeginUpdate; for i := 0 to 100000 do begin NextGrid1.Cell[1, i].AsBoolean := False; NextGrid1.Cell[2, i].AsString := Names[Random(1000)] ' ' Names[Random(1000)]; NextGrid1.Cell[3, i].AsInteger := Random(2); NextGrid1.Cell[4, i].AsDateTime := Today-Random(500); NextGrid1.Cell[5, i].AsFloat := Random(2000); NextGrid1.Cell[6, i].AsInteger := Random(101); NextGrid1.Cell[7, i].AsString := Cards[Random(4)]; NextGrid1.Cell[8, i].AsInteger := Random(6); NextGrid1.Cell[9, i].AsInteger := Random(2); end; NextGrid.EndUpdate;
When you don't need BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods?
If you work with one rows or up to 1000 rows, you don't need to use BeginUpdate and EndUpdate, because speed will be almost same.
3. Chosing Column Type
In TNxTextColumn you can put any kind of information: Text, Numbers, Date. Also, you can calculate fkSum, fkCount, fkAverage... formulas in footer of TNxTextColumn.
But, storing numbers or dates inside TNxTextColumn is slower than storing number inside TNxNumberColumn or date inside TNxDateColumn. Text column type will save given number as string which occupy more memory and takes more time to convert it back to number.
So, if you plan to have column with only numbers, chose TNxNumberColumn. This column draw, change, sort and calculate formulas for numbers much faster than TNxTextColumn do. This is because Double is native type for this column. TNxTextColumn need to do lots of conversion (FloatToStr, StrToFloat...) to sort numbers or to display it.
2008-09-09 09:26:30
Best is using try/finally:
...hard work here...